Zheng Bo, geboren 1974 in Peking, lebt in Hong Kong. ZHENG Bo ist ein Künstler, Schriftsteller und Pädagoge der sich für sozial und ökologisch engagierte Kunstpraktiken einsetzt. Seine künstlerische Praxis erforscht vergangene und zukünftige Perspektiven von Gemeinschaften und marginalisierten Pflanzen. Eine Auswahl an Institutionen und internationalen Kunstveranstaltungen bei denen seine Werke vertreten waren sind: @KCUA (Kyoto), Asia Art Archive (Hong Kong), Parco Arte Vivente (Torino), TheCube Project Space (Taipei), Villa Vassilieff (Paris), Times Museum (Guangzhou), and Sifang Art Museum (Nanjing), Manifesta 12 (Palermo), Cosmopolis #1.5, 11th Taipei Biennial, 2nd Yinchuan Biennial, 1st Thailand Biennial.
Im Juli 2019 stellte BAU drei Filme bei Kunst Meran unter dem Title PARROTS, FERN AND OTHER FORMS OF BEING vor. Filme, die Perspektiven verrücken, indem sie Tiere, Pflanzen und andere Wesen in Beziehung zum Menschen stellen. Vom chinesischen Künstler ZHENG Bo wurde das Video Pteridophiliagezeigt, es stellt eine intime körperliche Beziehung zwischen Mensch und Farn zur Schau.
Zheng Bo is an artist committed to multispecies vibrancy. He investigates the past and imagines the future from the perspectives of marginalized communities and marginalized plants. He creates weedy gardens, living slogans, and eco-queer films to cultivate ecological wisdom beyond the Anthropocene. He has worked with a number of art spaces in Asia and Europe, most recently ICA at NYU Shanghai, @KCUA in Kyoto, Asia Art Archive in Hong Kong, Parco Arte Vivente in Torino, TheCube Project Space in Taipei, and Villa Vassilieff in Paris. His works have been included in the performance program of the 58th Venice Biennale, Manifesta 12, the 11th Taipei Biennial, and the 11th Shanghai Biennial. In 2020, as artist-in-residence at the Gropius Bau in Berlin, he will collaborate with scientists to understand, speculate, and imagine how plants practice politics. He taught at China Academy of Art from 2010 to 2013, and currently teaches at the School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, where he leads the Wanwu Practice Group. In July 2019 BAU Agency presented three films at Kunst Meran | Merano Arte under the tilte PARROTS, FERN AND OTHER FORMS OF BEING – films that shift our perspectives by setting animals, plants and other beings in relation to humans. The forty minute screening opened with The Great Silence by Puerto-Rican artist duo Allora & Calzadilla, a film that features a parrot talking about the absurdity of the search for intelligent life in space.
Zheng Bo, nato a Pechino nel 1974, vive a Hong Kong. Zheng Bo è un artista, scrittore ed educatore che mette in campo pratiche artistiche socialmente ed ecologicamente impegnate. La sua pratica artistica esplora le prospettive passate e future delle comunità e delle piante emarginate. Di seguito una selezione di istituzioni ed eventi artistici internazionali in cui i suoi lavori sono stati rappresentati: @KCUA (Kyoto), Asia Art Archive (Hong Kong), Parco Arte Vivente (Torino), TheCube Project Space (Taipei), Villa Vassilieff (Paris), Times Museum (Guangzhou), and Sifang Art Museum (Nanjing), Manifesta 12 (Palermo), Cosmopolis #1.5, 11th Taipei Biennial, 2nd Yinchuan Biennial, 1st Thailand Biennial. Nel luglio 2019 BAU ha presentato tre film al Kunst Meran/Merano Arte raccolti sotto al titolo PARROTS, FERN AND OTHER FORMS OF BEING. Film che stravolgono le prospettive, mettendo animali, piante e altre creature in relazione con l’uomo. È stato proiettato il suo video “Pteridophilia”, che mostra un’intima relazione tra l’uomo e le felci.