Cooking Sections, FLORAE, 2019. Commissioned by BAU Residency, realised in collaboration with Transart Festival 2019. Photo: Daniel Mazza

Annemarie Kaser ist Direktorin des Südtiroler Sennereiverbandes. Im Rahmen der BAU Residency 2019 mit dem Künstlerduo Cooking Sections, nahm Annemarie Kaser an der Almwiesenverkostung auf der Hagneralm in Welschnofen teil und unterstütze BAU in der Recherche mit ihrer Expertise und ihrem Netzwerk.  

Cooking Sections, FLORAE, 2019. Commissioned by BAU Residency, realised in collaboration with Transart Festival 2019. Photo: Daniel Mazza

Annemarie Kaser is director of the South Tyrolean Association of Alpine Dairies. As part of the BAU Residency 2019 with artist duo Cooking Sections, Kaser took part in the Alpine Meadow Tasting and supported BAU with her expertise and contacts.

Cooking Sections, FLORAE, 2019. Commissioned by BAU Residency, realised in collaboration with Transart Festival 2019. Photo: Daniel Mazza

Annemarie Kaser è direttrice della Federazione Latterie Alto Adige. Nell’ambito della BAU Residency 2019 con il duo artistico Cooking Sections, Annemarie Kaser ha partecipato alla degustazione di formaggi d’alpeggio e ha sostenuto BAU nella ricerca con la sua esperienza e la sua rete di contatti.


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